UBIO在国外 |
Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation Therapy(Photo-Oxidation) |
紫外线血液照射疗法——被遗忘的治疗方法 |
Robert Jay Rowen, MD Omni Medical Center |
American Findings
The most prolific American researcher was George Miley, a clinical professor at Hahnemann Hospital and College of Medicine, who practiced the Knott technique at their blood irradiation clinic. In 1942, he reported on 103 consecutive cases of acute pyogenic infections at Hahnemann Hospital in Philadelphia. Such conditions included puerperal sepsis, sinusitis, pyelitis, wound infections, peritonitis (ten cases), and numerous other sites. Results of recovery were 100% for early infections, 46 out of 47 for moderately advanced, and 17 out of 36 of those who were moribund.[7] Staphylococcus had a high death rate, but those patients were also using sulfa drugs, which may have inhibited the effectiveness of the UV irradiation treatments. In fact, when Miley reviewed his data, he found that all the Staph failures had been on sulfa. A second series of nine patients (six Staph aureus, three Staph albus) had a 100% recovery rate with one or two treatments when sulfa was not used.[8] (Table 1).
Rebbeck and Miley documented the fever curve of septicemia in patients who received UV therapy, demonstrating detoxification and recovery within a few days.[9](See Fig. 1). In 1947, Miley reaffirmed his initial findings reporting on 445 cases of acute pyogenic infection, including 151 consecutive cases. Again, results showed a 100% recovery in early cases (56), 98% recovery in moderately advanced (323), and 45% in apparently moribund patients (66) (see Table 2).[10] Detoxification usually began within 24 to 48 hours, and was complete in 46 to 72 hours. Some patients required only one or two irradiation treatments, while a few needed one or two more. |
美国人的发现 |
在紫外线照射疗法领域中,最多产的当属美国人George Miley,他是Hahnemann医院及医学院的临床学教授,他将Knott方法应用于临床治疗。在位于费城的Hahnemann医院,他连续地使用了紫外线照射疗法对103个患有急性化脓感染的病人进行了治疗,他们的病症包括产后脓肿、鼻窦炎、肾盂炎、枪伤、腹膜炎(10例)及其它疾病,其中早期感染的治愈率达100%,47例中期感染中有46例康复,36例严重感染中有17例恢复。[7]报告称虽然葡萄球菌感染具有很高的死亡率,但使用该疗法还是有作用的,但不能同时服食磺胺类药物,因为这类药物会抑制其疗效。实际上,当Miley重新检视这些实验数据时,他发现了这个问题,在停止使用磺胺类药物后,接下来的9个病人(6个为黄色葡萄球菌感染,3个为白色葡萄球菌感染)全部恢复。 Rebbeck 和Miley的文章中给出了在紫外线照射疗法下的败血症病人的体温曲线图,它表明了病人在接收治疗的一段时间后能够逐渐恢复。[9](见图1)。在进行了445例(其中151例是连续的)的临床实验后,1947年Miley确信了他最初的发现,而且实验结果证明对于早期感染的治愈率确为100%(56例)、中期为98%(323例)、晚期为45%(66例)(见表2)。[10]毒性的减弱一般为治疗后24到48小时,而46到72小时则可完全康复,有些病人仅需要做1~2次治疗,而有些则还需要追加1~2次。 |
图1 紫外线照射疗法对腹膜炎病人的作用 |
Male of 20, who after operation was comatose, in shock, and apparently moribund, with a fulminating toxemia due to generalized peritonitis secondary to a ruptured appendix. Within 24 hours of ultraviolet blood-irradiation therapy detoxification was pronounced and the downhill course of the patient reversed. An eventful convalescence ensued. |
一个20岁的男性,术后昏迷、惊獗,由于严重的毒血症并伴有阑尾破裂而濒于死亡,在接受紫外线血液照射疗法24小时后,血液毒素开始减少,随后几天逐渐康复。 |
表1(2) |
In 1943, Rebbeck[11], reported on eight cases of E.coli sepsis treated with UV phototherapy - six lived. Barrett reported in his cases of septic toxemia, that pain associated with infection was typically relieved with ten to 15 minutes of hemo-irradiation.[12] Toxemia of pregnancy responded in all 100 patients with no serious complications, even after the onset of convulsions.[13]
Spectacular detailed reports of hopeless cases responding to UV phototherapy regularly appeared in the American literature. Barrett reported on a patient who had cerebellar artery thrombosis, pneumonia, pulmonary emboli - left femoral leg, deep-venous thrombosis, left-sided paralysis, and paralysis of the left vocal cord. This dying patient responded dramatically, almost instantly, and had a full recovery over a period of several months. |
关于紫外线治疗法可以治疗绝症的报道大多见诸于美国人的文献中。Barrett曾经报道一个患有小脑血栓、肺炎、肺栓塞-左腿严重栓塞、左半身不遂并且左声带失声的病人,在接收了此疗法几个月后,居然戏剧性的恢复了。 |
表3 |
120个患有顽固支气管哮喘的病人在接受UV疗法0.5~5年后的恢复时间表 |
表4 74例病毒或类病毒感染 |
Miley reported on 13 patients with thrombophlebitis, including some infections. Nine received only one treatment, while two had two treatments and healing was noted within hours to two days. Most were discharged from the hospital in an average of 12 days.[14]
In June, 1943, Miley reported on asthma response in a series of 80 "intractable" patients. Twenty-four patients were not followed up, which left only 56 patients to document. Of these, 29 were moderately to greatly improved, 16 were slightly improved, and 11 had no improvement after a period of six to ten months. The 45 who had improved remained so for six to ten months, after an initial series of up to ten irradiations.[15] In 1946, Miley,[16] reported on a larger series of 160 consecutive patients with "apparently intractable asthma"; 40 cases could not be followed, leaving 120. The results (Table 3) were better than his initial findings, with 32.5% apparently cured, 31.6% definitely improved, 22.5% slightly improved, and 13.4% unchanged. The authors commented that two to five treatments a year were often required for maintenance. Cyanosis of many years' duration, disappeared within one year of therapy, and a marked increase in general resistance was observed; no deleterious effects were noted.
1943年6月,Miley报道了80个“顽固”哮喘的病例,其中24个没有被持续跟踪,其余的56个留有记录,在持续了6到10个月的治疗后,56人中有29人效果较明显,16个有有些的效果,而另外的11人则没有任何效果;从最初到接受了10次照射后,UV疗法对这45人(29+16)的疗效依旧持续。[15]1946年,Miley[16]又报道了160个“顽固”哮喘的病例,其中40个没有继续跟踪,仅留下了120例,此次结果好于最初的研究(见表3),可以看出有32.5治愈,31.6有明显疗效,而22.5有些许疗效,13.45没有任何作用。他指出40%的病人还需要持续治疗;对于多年的发绀(Cyanosis),在接受1年治疗后会消失,而且可以观察到体内的抗体有显著增加;并无什么不良反应。 |
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