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Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation Therapy(Photo-Oxidation)
Robert Jay Rowen, MD Omni Medical Center
In the 1940s, a multitude of articles appeared in the American literature detailing a novel treatment for infection. This treatment had a cure rate of 98 to 100% in early and moderately advanced infections, and approximately 50% in terminally moribund patients. Healing was not limited to just bacterial infections, but also viral (acute polio), wounds, asthma, and arthritis. Recent German literature has demonstrated profound improvements in a number of biochemical and hematologic markers. There has never been reported any toxicity, side effects or injury except for occasional Herxheimer type reactions.
As infections are failing to improve with the use of chemical treatment, this safe and effective treatment should be revisited. (Int J Biosocial Med Res., 1996; 14(2): 115-132)

Ultraviolet (UV) light has been known for decades to have a sterilizing effect and has been used in many different industries for such a purpose. Almost all bacteria may be killed or attenuated by ultraviolet rays, but there is considerable variation in the rapidity of their destruction. Those which live in the body are most easily affected, while those in nature adapt to the action of sunlight and become relatively resistant to irradiation.[1] LTV-sensitive bacteria have not been shown to become resistant and toxins have been found to be very unstable in the presence of UV irradiation (Diphtheria, tetanus, and snake venom are inactivated by ultraviolet rays).[2]

At the turn of the century, Niels Finson was awarded the Nobel Prize for his work on UV rays and various skin conditions which showed a success rate of 98% in thousands of cases, mostly lupus vulgaris.[3] Walter Ude reported a series of 100 cases of Erysipelas in the 1920s, claiming a nearly 100% cure rate with UV skin irradiation.[4] Emmett Knott pioneered the irradiation of autologous blood on dogs before treating a moribund woman with postabortion sepsis in 1933, who was thought to be untreatable. With his treatment of blood irradiation, she promptly recovered, resulting in more research and further development of the "Knott" technique.[5] The technique involved removing approximately 1.5cc/pound, citrating it for anticoagulation, and passing it through a radiation chamber. Exposure time per given unit amount (1cc) was approximately 10 seconds, peak wavelength of 253.7nM (ultraviolet C) provided by a mercury quartz burner and immediately re-perfused.[6] By the early 1940s, UV blood irradiation was being used in several American hospitals. Into the late 1940s, numerous reports were made about the high efficacy for infection and complete safety of UV blood irradiation. With the emergence of antibiotic therapy, the reports suddenly ceased. In the ensuing years, German literature demonstrated the effectiveness of UV irradiation in vascular conditions. Additionally, more thorough observations of significant improvement in many physiologic processes and parameters have been reported.

因此对光敏感的细菌则没什么抵抗力,而且一些毒素在紫外线的照射下也显得很不稳定(如白喉病菌、破伤风以及蛇毒);19世纪末20世纪初,丹麦的Niels Finsen因研究了紫外线对皮肤病的影响而获得诺贝尔奖,其上千例的研究结果表明紫外线照射疗法具有98%的持续疗效,这些病例多数是寻常狼疮(lupus vulgaris); 20世纪20年代,Walter Ude称其观察的100例丹毒病例中,使用紫外线照射的治愈率达100%; Emmett Knott首先在狗的身上使用了紫外线自体血照射回输法,之后他又利用此疗法治愈了一个因患严重的流产脓毒症的产妇——其他人认为她已无可就药了,这最终促使人们就此疗法展开了深入的研究和临床应用,这种疗法被称为”Knott”方法;它的具体操作方法是:根据人的体重每1磅抽取1.5cc的血液,加入柠檬酸盐以防止凝结,然后将其放入紫外线辐射箱并根据血液的每单位数量(1cc)照射约10秒钟,其使用的紫外线照射波长为253.7纳米(C类紫外线),光源由快速再灌注水银石英装置提供;20世纪40年代早期的美国,紫外线血液照射疗法被广泛运用,到了40年代晚期,大量的报道称其对治疗感染有巨大的作用,而且是完全安全的,但随着抗生素疗法的出现,相关报道便呷然而止。

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